Klaro Releases

This page contains release information parsed from the release file on Github.It is generated automatically and we always try to keep it up to date, please also look at our Github page to check for information about new releases though.

0.7.22 // 0.7.21 // 0.7.20 // 0.7.19 // 0.7.18 // 0.7.17 // 0.7.16 // 0.7.15 // 0.7.14 // 0.7.13 // 0.7.12 // 0.7.11 // 0.7.10 // 0.7.9 // 0.7.8 // 0.7.7 // 0.7.6 // 0.7.5 // 0.7.4 // 0.7.3 // 0.7.2 // 0.7.1 // 0.7.0 // 0.6.18 // 0.6.17 // 0.6.16 // 0.6.15 // 0.6.14 // 0.6.13 // 0.6.12 // 0.6.11 // 0.6.10 // 0.6.9 // 0.6.8 // 0.6.7 // 0.6.6 // 0.6.5 // 0.6.4 // 0.6.3 // 0.6.2 // 0.6.1 // 0.6.0 // 0.5.35 // 0.5.34 // 0.5.33 // 0.5.32 // 0.5.31 // 0.5.30

v0.7.22 improvements

Published on 2024-03-26.


  • The autofocus will only be enabled when using the autoFocus option.

v0.7.21 improvements

Published on 2024-03-26.


  • The title of the consent dialog is only shown when enabled through the config option showNoticeTitle.

v0.7.20 bugfixes

Published on 2024-03-26.


  • The previous release included source maps in the production build, which made the release binaries very large. This release fixes that.

v0.7.19 improvements bugfixes

Published on 2024-03-26.


  • Fixing of a problem with the context-based consent, which caused the "Always" button to show up even if the user didn't consent / decline in the main notice yet.
  • Update all packages.

v0.7.18 improvements

Published on 2021-04-06.


  • Added czech translations and improved portuguese ones.
  • Removed the '...' text from the consent notice to make it easier to customize the UI.
  • Added a cookiePath parameter that allows to customize the path of the Klaro cookie.

v0.7.17 improvements

Published on 2021-04-06.


  • Improved context based consent mechanism to make it less confusing for users.

v0.7.16 bugfixes improvements

Published on 2021-03-09.


  • Klaro is generated as a named UMD module now to make it easier to use in environments that rely on 'require.js'.
  • Better handling of SCRIPT tags without 'type' attributes.

v0.7.15 bugfixes

Published on 2021-02-25.


  • API configs are only being loaded if they're marked as active.

v0.7.14 improvements

Published on 2021-02-22.


  • Improved the language determination mechanism.

v0.7.13 bugfixes

Published on 2021-02-19.


Fixed several small bugs affecting the contextual consent mechanism.

v0.7.12 bugfixes improvements

Published on 2021-02-15.


  • Added a styling config parameter that enables the user to easily change the UI of Klaro, either by applying one or several themes to it or by defining custom CSS variables (compatible with IE11 and modern browsers).
  • Fixed a bug that caused the placeholder for context-based consents to be missing.

v0.7.11 bugfixes

Published on 2020-12-23.


  • Fixed a problem with regular expression definition for cookie names.

v0.7.10 bugfixes improvements

Published on 2020-12-02.


  • Added onAccept, onDecline and onInit event callbacks that permit to implement advanced consent mechanisms via custom Javascript code that can be dynamically loaded for a given service.
  • Fixed a bug with the contextual consent mechanism that would cause the src of an iframe element to be set to undefined.

v0.7.9 improvements

Published on 2020-11-20.


  • Enabled optional HTML support for the consent modal title as well.

v0.7.8 bugfixes

Published on 2020-11-09.


  • Further bugfixing for context-based consent mechanism.

v0.7.7 bugfixes

Published on 2020-11-09.


  • Fixed a small bug in the context-based consent flow.

v0.7.6 improvements

Published on 2020-11-09.


  • Added a "test" consent store that makes testing Klaro easier and is being used e.g. in the interactive tutorials.

v0.7.5 improvements

Published on 2020-11-06.


  • Added a context-based consent mechanism that allows users to dynamically grant consent for embedded content like YouTube videos.

v0.7.4 improvements

Published on 2020-10-27.


  • Added a missing translation string.
  • Improved the management of link tags by supporting the onlyOnce behavior.
  • When hovering buttons the "hand" cursor will be shown.

v0.7.3 bugfixes

Published on 2020-10-16.


  • Fixing of a problem that cause the unstyled Klaro version to not work in combination with the API backend.

v0.7.2 improvements

Published on 2020-10-12.


  • Descriptions of services and purposes now also respect the htmlTexts parameter and can use HTML.
  • The order in which purposes appear in the notice and modal can be changed via the purposeOrder parameter, which can be given a list with purpose names and will display those purposes in the order in which they appear in the list.

v0.7.1 improvements

Published on 2020-10-06.


  • Changed the behavior of the "enable/disable all" slider for the non-grouped services view to make it consistent with the behavior for the grouped view.

v0.7.0 improvements breaking-changes

Published on 2020-10-05.


  • We changed the term "app" to "service" throughout the codebase. This makes the terminology coherent across the UI and codebase, as the term "service" is a better description for third-party software running on a website than "app".


The config file format changes slightly with this release. For now, old configurations will be automatically rewritten to the new format upon loading. To avoid incompatibilities in the future, we urge you to perform the following changes in the config file though:

  • Change the name of the list of third-party services (formerly apps) from apps to services.
  • Change the key apps to services in the translations section (only necessary if translations under this key have been overridden)

This release also changes the names of some CSS classes, so if you have overwritten the cm-apps or cm-app classes or children thereof, you need to change the class names to cm-services or cm-service, respectively.

Due to the risk of incompatibilities we decided to not tag this release with the latest tag in the CDN, to use it you'll have to upgrade manually therefore. To avoid such problems in the future, we will no longer offer a generic latest version of Klaro. Instead, we will create tags for minor versions like 0.7 that will receive regular bugfixes and improvements and can be safely used. Upgrading to new minor and major releases will be done manually, which minimizes the risk of breaking existing installations while still enabling us to deliver critical bugfixes and security updates.

v0.6.18 bugfixes

Published on 2020-10-02.


  • Fixed a bug that caused Klaro to not work with Internet Explorer.

v0.6.17 improvements

Published on 2020-09-21.


  • Changed the (undocumented) klaro-config-name parameter.

v0.6.16 improvements

Published on 2020-09-21.


  • Harmonization and improvement (we think) of the default translations.
  • Adding of translations for a set of default processing purposes.

v0.6.15 improvements

Published on 2020-09-17.


  • Improved the initialization code to make it easier to use Klaro as a component in a JS project.

v0.6.14 improvements

Published on 2020-09-16.


  • Prepare IDE integration into the open-source version.
  • Improved testing functionality.

v0.6.13 improvements

Published on 2020-09-13.


  • Changed the way the "show" event is counted.

v0.6.12 improvements

Published on 2020-09-13.


  • Changing API endpoint URLs to the new format (privacy-manager instead of consent-manager)

v0.6.11 improvements

Published on 2020-09-11.


  • Release files now include all JS and CSS files from the dist and src folder.

v0.6.10 improvements

Published on 2020-09-10.


  • When sending anonymous consent information, the ID of the consent config is sent instead of the name. This makes the consents directly attributable to a specific config version, making e.g. A/B testing easier.

v0.6.9 improvements

Published on 2020-09-10.


  • Small improvements in the event handler code.

v0.6.8 bugfixes

Published on 2020-09-10.


  • Fixed a problem with the anonymous consent records that prevented records being sent for the normal "accept" event.

v0.6.7 improvements

Published on 2020-09-09.


  • Improved consent records with optional saving of hostname, protocol, port and path as well as consent changes.
  • Prepared deployment of the Klaro IDE (integrated development environment) that will allow easy configuration of Klaro directly on the website.

v0.6.6 bugfixes

Published on 2020-09-08.


  • Fixed a problem causing the cookie configuration to not work correctly.

v0.6.5 improvements

Published on 2020-09-07.


  • Added support for using an (optional) API backend to retrieve consent configs from and send anonymous consent records to.

v0.6.4 improvements bugfixes

Published on 2020-09-07.


  • Add back the functionality of the hideLearnMore setting, which allows us to hide the "Learn more" link in the consent notice.
  • Make it possible to show the "Learn more" link directly in the text of the consent notice.
  • Improve styling of buttons for small screen widths, e.g. small mobile phones.

v0.6.3 improvements

Published on 2020-08-28.


  • Improve formatting of translation files and add information about missing translation strings.
  • Include distribution files again.

v0.6.2 improvements

Published on 2020-08-20.


  • Included relevant source files in the NPM release (e.g. SCSS files) to make it easier to build on them.

v0.6.1 improvements

Published on 2020-08-20.


  • Added the language as a lang attribute to the Klaro div, to make it easier to e.g. change Klaro's style depending on the language via CSS selectors.
  • Added the additionalClass option, which allows adding additional class names to the Klaro div via the config.

v0.6.0 improvements

Published on 2020-08-20.


  • Added noticeAsModal option, which will display the consent notice as a modal window, forcing the user to make a consent choice before proceeding to the page.

v0.5.35 improvements

Published on 2020-08-20.


  • Added SameSite=Lax to the Klaro cookie in order to conform to upcoming changes in cookie handling by browsers. See MDN for details.

v0.5.34 bugfixes

Published on 2020-08-20.


  • Fixed a problem with the klaro.resetManagers() function.
  • Ensured that all attributes of a script element are copied over.

v0.5.33 improvements

Published on 2020-08-17.


  • Increased the maximum width of the consent notice to 360px to allow languages with longer translations to display the buttons without wrapping text.

v0.5.32 breaking-changes feature-update

Published on 2020-08-14.


  • Removed the extraHTML fields from the consent modal and consent notice in favor of allowing HTML in descriptions in general. You can now set htmlTexts: true in the config, which will tell Klaro to render the translation strings you provide as HTML content. If a given string does not start with an opening bracket (<), Klaro will still put the resulting HTML/text inside a paragraph (<p>...</p>), otherwise it will render it "as is".

We hope this change will make it easier to customize the appearance of the consent notice and modal without resorting to extra config parameters. If we decide to support HTML in more places we can do that without breaking the config format again.

We apologize for introducing a breaking config change, since the extraHTML option was quite new to begin with the change should not affect many users and we think it will be beneficial in the long run.


Published on 2020-08-12.


  • Added checksums to all build files generated locally, for use e.g. as subresource integrity tags. See MDN for more details about this.


Published on 2020-08-12.


  • Added the groupByPurpose config option, which groups apps into categories based on their purpose, allowing the user to enable or disable entire groups of apps at once. This also reduces the space taken up by the modal, which is important especially for websites that use many third-party applications.